Sunday, September 15, 2013

Dear Mia, someone burnt the pasta, and now the pan is ruined!

Oh, no!  Looks like someone went hungry last night because they burnt the pasta!  (Note, this is actual photographic evidence from the blog's namesake cooking skills).

Rather than just stick the smoldering pan in the sink full of burnt noodles and leaving it for later (which, I'm not pointing any fingers, is what SOMEONE actually did...), try this so that it's not impossible to clean and you have to buy a new pot.

1. First, get out as much of the gunk as possible.
2. Now fill the pot with water up to the burn line.

3. Next, add some white vinegar.  (I generally use Apple Cider for cooking, white for cleaning)
The amount of vinegar you use will be directly proportional to the severity of the cookware burn.

4. Bring the water/vinegar mixture to a boil.  You should start to see improvements already.
5. Add some baking soda.  This will bubble a bit- this is normal.
6.  Now give it a good scrub with the rough side of your sponge.

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